Best Triceps Workout: 15 Effective Triceps Exercises of All Time (2024)

For larger and stronger arms, triceps exercise is essential. The strength of your triceps muscle exercises determines how strong your entire upper arm is. Discover the most effective tricep exercises and triceps muscle exercises for developing triceps that are firm and muscular by reading the article below.


On the back sides of your upper arms is the triceps muscles that require triceps exercise. These muscles, which are among the biggest in your upper arms, are essential for arm mobility. You can improve your functional movement by building a triceps workout comprising tricep exercises. The lateral, medial, and long heads of the triceps are its three heads, and a variety of good exercises for triceps are required for each. Keep reading the article to know more about these effective triceps muscle exercises.

How did we shortlist these 15 best Triceps exercises?

Adults are advised to engage in muscle-strengthening tricep exercises that target all major muscle groups at least twice a week. Triceps workout aid to stabilise and support healthy shoulder joints. We chose the triceps exercise based on the number and intensity needed to achieve various objectives as well as the fact that these triceps workouts should focus on the larger muscle groups that surround the triceps.

List of 10 Best & Most Effective Triceps Exercises to Build Muscle

Almost 60% of the mass in your upper arm is made up of your triceps. They function as a foundation for your constant muscle development, strength, and form for which you require the best triceps exercises. You'll develop the essential strength by engaging in the following rigorous and most effective tricep exercises. The top ten most effective tricep exercises for muscle growth are listed below. exerciseMain areas targetedHow it helps
1Single-Arm Cable Kick-BackEntire arm musclesActivates the triceps.
2Close-Grip Bench PressTriceps, chestActivates the triceps under load.
3Triceps KickbacksTriceps long headWorks the muscle that runs along the back of the upper arms.
4Skull CrushersEntire triceps muscle group.Involves the concentric phase of the movement.
5Dumbbell Overhead Triceps ExtensionLong head of the tricepsStretches the muscles during the eccentric phase of the lift.
6Close-Grip Push-UpTriceps and pecsIncreases muscular activity.
7Triceps PressdownTriceps and elbowsIsolates the muscle to perform elbow extension.
8Triceps Machine DipUpper arm musclesFor various rep ranges, switching weights is simple.
9Cable Push-DownLateral headServes as an exercise for a single joint.
10Up-Down PlanksTriceps and coreWorks the triceps and core muscles.

  1. Single-Arm Cable Kick-Back

  • Why to try Single-Arm Cable Kick-Back tricep exercise: This is a wonderful triceps burnout exercise that focuses on the muscle's medial and long heads.
  • How to do Single-Arm Cable Kick-Back tricep exercise: Hold onto the cable with your arm bent and palm facing inward while standing with your back flat and facing the machine. Exhale while straightening your arm while maintaining your upper arm motionless. Continue with your torso and legs motionless until your arm is straight. As you inhale, let your arms bend back toward their initial position.
  • Single-Arm Cable Kick-Back Exercise Variations for Triceps Growth: Cable push down
  • Include Single-Arm Cable Kick-Back tricep exercise in your workout: Single-Arm Cable Kick-Back should be followed by Diamond push-up
  • Main areas targeted: Entire arm muscles

  1. Close-Grip Bench Press

  • Why to try Close-Grip Bench Press tricep exercise: This is the best exercise for tricep that eases pressure on your shoulder joints and promotes arm hypertrophy.
  • How to do Close-Grip Bench Press tricep exercise: With your hands shoulder-width apart, hold the bar while lying flat on the bench. Lower the bar toward your chest while exhaling, and keep your elbows tight to your torso the entire time. Exhale and raise the bar utilising your triceps and locked arms.
  • Close-Grip Bench Press Exercise Variations for Triceps Growth: Barbell bench press
  • Include Close-Grip Bench Press exercise in your workout: Close-Grip Bench Press can be done after regular bench press.
  • Main areas targeted: Triceps, chest

  1. Triceps Kickbacks

  • Why to try Triceps Kickbacks tricep exercise: It exercises the upper arm muscle that runs along the back.
  • How to do Triceps Kickbacks tricep exercise: Stand with your legs bent and lean slightly forward. With your back straight, bend the elbow of the arm holding the dumbbell so that your triceps and biceps are perpendicular to the floor. Engage your triceps and core, hinge at the elbow, and pull the dumbbell up and back. Lift the weight till your arm is a straight, pause, and then lower it back to 90 degrees.
  • Triceps Kickbacks Exercise Variations for Triceps Growth: Cable Reverse Grip Low Tricep Kickback
  • Include Triceps Kickbacks tricep exercise in your workout: A drop set day can include triceps kickbacks.
  • Main areas targeted: Triceps long head

  1. Skull Crushers

  • Why to try Skull Crushers tricep exercise: The movement's concentric phase is involved in Skull Crushers tricep exercise.
  • How to do Skull Crushers tricep exercise: As you lower the weight toward your head, flex your elbows. Keep your upper arms close to parallel to your torso. Drop the weight behind the head further. Raise the dumbbell head a little bit so that the bottom is a little higher than the top of the bench. Reverse the motion until the weight is above the chest in the initial starting position.
  • Skull Crushers Exercise Variations for Triceps Growth: Incline Lying Triceps Extensions
  • Include Skull Crushers tricep exercise in your workout: Skull Crushers should be done after Close-grip bench presses.
  • Main areas targeted: Entire triceps muscle group.

  1. Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension

  • Why try Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension tricep exercise: Extends and straightens the elbow.
  • How to do Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension tricep exercise: Lift the weight as far behind your head as you can while slowly bending your elbows. Keep your core tight and your trunk upright. At the lowest point, extend the weight back overhead while keeping your elbows straight.
  • Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension Exercise Variations for Triceps Growth: Overhead dumbbell extensions
  • Include Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension tricep exercise in your workout: Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension can be followed by Swiss Ball Dumbbell Lying Triceps Extension.
  • Main areas targeted: Long head of the triceps

  1. Close-Grip Push-Up

  • Why to try Close-Grip Push-Up tricep exercise: Excellent for developing the delts, biceps, and chest muscles.
  • How to do Close-Grip Push-Up tricep exercise: Put yourself in a plank position. Bring your elbows in so that they are near to your ribs on both sides and place your hands about two inches apart. Bend your elbows and allow them to drift outwards as you slowly lower yourself to the ground. Bring yourself back into starting position gradually.
  • Close-Grip Push-Up Exercise Variations for Triceps Growth: Close grip knee push-ups
  • Include Close-Grip Push-Up tricep exercise in your workout: Good as a finishing set.
  • Main areas targeted: Biceps, triceps, and chest.

  1. Triceps Pressdown

  • Why to try Triceps Pressdown tricep exercise: Performs elbow extension by isolating the muscle.
  • How to do Triceps Pressdown tricep exercise: Take hold of the bar, then stand straight up with your back straight and your elbows at your sides. Put your feet hip-width apart when standing. At the bottom of the motion, take a moment to clench your triceps as you lower the cable until it hits your thighs. After then, slowly raise the bar to its initial position.
  • Triceps Pressdown Exercise Variations for Triceps Growth: Unilateral press down
  • Include Triceps Pressdown tricep exercise in your workout: Triceps Pressdown can be followed by dips.
  • Main areas targeted: Triceps and elbows

  1. Triceps Machine Dip

  • Why to try Triceps Machine Dip tricep exercise: The triceps are developed to be large, tough, and powerful.
  • How to do Triceps Machine Dip tricep exercise: Sit down on a dip machine. Maintain a 90-degree bend in your elbows so that they are near your torso. On exhalation, tense your triceps and lower your arms. As you inhale, return your arms to their initial posture.
  • Triceps Machine Dip Exercise Variations for Triceps Growth: Bench dip with knees bent
  • Include Triceps Machine Dip tricep exercise in your workout: Triceps Machine Dip should be followed by EZ Bar Curl.
  • Main areas targeted: Chest, shoulders, triceps

  1. Cable Push-Down

  • Why to try Cable Push-Down tricep exercise: Excellent for tricep development.
  • How to do Cable Push-Down tricep exercise: Put your feet slightly apart and tuck your elbows at your sides. When your elbows are fully extended, press down. On the pushdown, slightly flex your knees while keeping your elbows close to your torso. As you press down, make an effort to keep your back as straight as you can. Take a controlled step back to the beginning as you breathe.
  • Cable Push-Down Exercise Variations for Triceps Growth: Resistance Band Tricep Pulldowns
  • Include Cable Push-Down tricep exercise in your workout: Cable Push-Down Exercise can be followed by Skull Crusher Lying Triceps Extension
  • Main areas targeted: All three heads of the triceps

  1. Up-Down Planks

  • Why to try the Up-Down Planks tricep exercise: It works the triceps and core muscles.
  • How to do Up-Down Planks tricep exercise: Holding your core tight, lower your left elbow to the floor first, then your right. With your weight on your elbows, you should still be in a plank position. Now pause, place your left hand firmly on the ground, and then push yourself back up into a high plank position.
  • Up-Down Planks Exercise Variations for Triceps Growth: Plank Hip Dip To Side Plank
  • Include Up-Down Planks tricep exercise in your workout: Up-Down Planks should be followed by the Isometric standard Plank.
  • Main areas targeted: Core, triceps, glutes, arms, wrists, and shoulders.

  1. Board Press

  • Why to try Board Press tricep exercise: Strengthens muscles of the chest, triceps, and shoulders.
  • How to do Board Press tricep exercise: Place your hands just outside of shoulder width while lying flat on a bench. Pinch your shoulder blades together and press them firmly onto the bench to set them. After lifting off, let the weight settle and make sure your upper back is still firm. Lock the elbows and inhale as you slowly lower the bar. By pressing into the bench, forcing your feet into the ground for leg drive, and extending the elbows, you can push the bar back up in a straight line.
  • Board Press Exercise Variations for Triceps Growth: Floor Press
  • Include Board Press tricep exercise in your workout: Close grip bench press should be followed by Board Press
  • Main areas targeted: Triceps, shoulders, and lats

  1. Triceps Underhand Kickbacks

  • Why to try Triceps Underhand Kickbacks tricep exercise: Builds upper body and arm strength effectively.
  • How to do Triceps Underhand Kickbacks tricep exercise: Your torso should be approximately parallel to the floor as you stand with a dumbbell in each hand, drop your hips back, and lower yourself. Then, while keeping your upper arms close to your sides, bend your elbows until your arms are parallel to your torso.
  • Triceps Underhand Kickbacks Exercise Variations for Triceps Growth: Cable Tricep Kickback Exercise
  • Include Triceps Underhand Kickbacks tricep exercise in your workout: Triceps Underhand Kickbacks should be followed by bench press.
  • Main areas targeted: Triceps brachii muscle

  1. Tate Press

  • Why to try Tate Press tricep exercise: It promotes and strengthens the medial head (long head) of the triceps muscle growth.
  • How to do Tate Press tricep exercise: Dumbbells should be held in an overhead position. Your elbows should be pointing outward, your palms should be facing front, and your thumbs should be close together. Bend your elbows to begin the workout without moving your shoulders. Your thumbs should be near the centre of your chest. Ensure that your elbows are extended and set your elbows out.
  • Tate Press Exercise Variations for Triceps Growth: Cable tate presses
  • Include Tate Press tricep exercise in your workout: Tate press should be followed by bench presses.
  • Main areas targeted: Medial head

  1. Parallel Bar Dip

  • Why to try Parallel Bar Dip tricep exercise: They target the triceps and pectorals with vigour.
  • How to do Parallel Bar Dip tricep exercise: Align yourself between the bars. Grab the bar with both sides of your hands facing your torso. Jump up and keep your body up. Bring the shoulders down, then lead a little bit forward. Without letting your feet touch the ground, slowly lower your body. Regain your original posture by pushing.
  • Parallel Bar Dip Exercise Variations for Triceps Growth: Bench dip with knees bent
  • Main areas targeted: Chest and upper arms

  1. Diamond Push-Ups

  • Why to try Diamond Push-Ups tricep exercise: Puts the triceps in a functionally befitting position.
  • How to do Diamond Push-Ups tricep exercise: Move your hands to a diamond position after starting in the traditional push-up position. During the push-up motion, maintain a straight back and a firm core.
  • Diamond Push-Ups Exercise Variations for Triceps Growth: Decline diamond push-ups
  • Include Diamond Push-Ups tricep exercise in your workout: These should be the first exercise in any workout.
  • Main areas targeted: Lateral (outermost) tricep head

Hard to do Triceps Workout Chart for Experienced

Below are a few of the hard to do triceps workout chart. These workouts for the triceps will provide you with the strength you need to continue with other exercises.

Cable Rope Tricep Pushdown31060 secs between each set
Lying Triceps Extension31060 secs between each set
Close-Grip Bench Press4860 secs between each set
Tricep Dips21060 secs between each set

Best & Easy to do Triceps Workout at Home with dumbbells for Beginners

Here is a list of triceps exercise with dumbbells which are workouts for triceps or specifically triceps workout at home with dumbbells. You'll have the strength you need to carry out another triceps exercise with dumbbells after doing these triceps workouts at home with dumbbells. Choose dumbbell weights that you feel comfortable with. Refer to the triceps workout chart below for tricep workout at home and triceps exercise with dumbbells:

Close Grip Dumbbell Push-Ups31560 secs between each set
Tricep Dips with Dumbbells31060 secs between each set
Dumbbell Seated Overhead Tricep Extension3560 secs between each set
Triceps Kickback31560 secs between each set

Try this Tricep workout in gym to get bigger arms

Workouts for triceps are necessary for bigger arms. Every time you hit the gym focus on these tricep workouts in the gym. These tricep workouts in gym can also be triceps workout with dumbbells:

  1. Triceps Kickbacks
  2. Skull Crushers
  3. Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension
  4. Tricep Dips with Dumbbells
  5. Close-Grip Push-Up
  6. Triceps Pressdown
  7. Dumbbell Seated Overhead Tricep Extension
  8. Triceps Kickback

Triceps Workout With Dumbbells You Should Try

For stronger arms, a triceps workout with dumbbells is required. Every time you work out at the gym, concentrate on this triceps workout with dumbbells.

  1. Single Arm Kickback
  2. Close Grip Dumbbell Pushup
  3. Half Bench Skull Crusher
  4. Gravity Press
  5. Dumbbell JM Press
  6. Standing Overhead Tricep Extension
  7. Seated Tricep Extension
  8. Dumbbell Tricep Dip

Triceps 101 and Benefits of Triceps Workout

Following are the benefits of triceps workout:

  • Gives your shoulders and arms stability
  • Increases adaptability
  • Extends the range of motion
  • General improvement in arm endurance, power, and strength.
  • Enables you to lift more weight

How to work out your triceps?

If you are also wondering how to work out your triceps, we have got you covered. Bench presses, triceps extensions and dumbbell exercises are effective for triceps workouts. Intensity, strength and endurance must be kept in mind while choosing triceps exercises along with not overdoing them.

Buy the equipment needed to practice triceps exercises from Decathlon buy
1Gym Weight Training Pull Up and Dip Station Training Station 900 BlackBodyweight exercises can be done by users of various skill levels.
2Gym Hex Dumbbell 5 kg BlackCan be used for both functional exercises and bodybuilding movements.
3Gym Foldable Weight Training Bench 500 Black BrownIt has removable feet lock.


You may increase the size and strength of your triceps and strengthen your pressing using the exercises to strengthen triceps recommended in this article. We advise combining these exercises to strengthen triceps with other pressing workouts since they help other pushing exercises work better. To avoid overdoing your tricep exercises, start out with lighter weights and increase the intensity as your fitness level improves.


What exercise works the triceps?

All the exercises mentioned in the article above are good exercises for triceps. Skull crushers, Close-Grip Pushup and Triceps Pressdown are a few of the best exercise for triceps.

How to make triceps at home?

You may efficiently work your triceps with the majority of the workouts outlined in the above article without any fancy equipment.

How to get big triceps?

Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension and Triceps Kickbacks are good exercises for triceps.

How to reduce triceps fat at home?

Close-Grip Pushup and Triceps Pressdown can be great options for exercise for triceps to reduce triceps fat.

Best Triceps Workout: 15 Effective Triceps Exercises of All Time (2024)


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