sprouts – RAW Food Recipes etc (2024)

Posts Tagged ‘sprouts’

sprouts – RAW Food Recipes etc (1)


February 3, 2013

Dear One,

If you are reading me for the first time, welcome to my blog, and thank you for stopping by.If you have been here before, thank you for visiting again.

Contrary to popular belief, making raw food does NOT necessarily take longer than making cooked food. Yes, it does take time to chop or slice the vegetables, but so does it if one is going to cook the vegetables. When it comes to raw recipes that require dehydrating, yes, it does take long to dehydrate, but it usually only takes minutes of hands-on preparation.

This sprout salad does not even require any chopping and it is great for a nutrition packed lunch ready in 10 minutes ! (excluding sprouting time …)

Serves 2 :

about 1 cup alfalfa sprouts

about 1 cup china rose radish sprouts

about 1/4 cup sprouted spelt berries

2 tbsp olive oil

2 tbsp balsamic vinegar

1/4 tsp Himalayan crystal salt or sea salt

1/4 tsp dried red chilli flakes (optional)

4 large handfuls rocket salad

2 small handfuls walnut pieces

a dozen cherry tomatoes, sliced in half

Mix all ingredients in a large mixing bowl.


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© 2012 RAW FOOD ETCWant to look good and feel great byincluding more RAW FOOD into your diet ? Get FREE healthy raw food recipes, articles and tips fromhttps://rawfoodetc.wordpress.com/

Posted in Recipes, Salads | Tagged alfalfa, China rose radish, easy, quick, raw, salad, spelt, sprouts | Leave a Comment »

sprouts – RAW Food Recipes etc (3)


October 27, 2012

Dear One,

If you are reading me for the first time, welcome to my blog, and thank you for stopping by.If you have been here before, thank you for visiting again.

Avocado andnori go so well together : that is what makes avocado sushis so wonderful. Half an avocado with a couple ofnori sheets is one of my favourite snacks.

Avocados are sooo nutritious.They are rich in healthy fats and helpthe body to absorb more fat-soluble nutrients, such as alpha and beta-carotene and lutein, in foods that are eaten with the fruit. Avocados provide good amounts of numerous essentialnutrients, includingfibre(10g in 150g flesh – about 1 big avocado), potassium, Vitamins C, E, K, B6 and folic acid.

A couple of years ago I actually had avocado and gomasio for dinner almost every night forabout 2 months, while refurbishing my kitchen. That is how much I love avocados …

Add nori, salad greens, sprouts a dash of olive oil and apple cider vinegar, and you get a delicious lunch.

For 2 :

1 salad

2 avocados, diced

about 10g greennorisprinkles or sheets torn to little pieces

2 large handfuls of sprouts of your choice (alfalfa and broccoli for example)

2 tbsp olive oil

2 tbsp apple cider vinegar

Mix all ingredients, enjoy.

Would you like to use this article on your blog, website or in your newsletter ? You are welcome to do so, as long as you include the following text with it :

© 2012 RAW FOOD ETCWant to look good and feel great byincluding more RAW FOOD into your diet ? Get FREE healthy raw food recipes, articles and tips fromhttps://rawfoodetc.wordpress.com/

Posted in Recipes, Salads | Tagged avocado, fibre, folic acid, nori, potassium, sprouts, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K | Leave a Comment »

sprouts – RAW Food Recipes etc (5)


October 20, 2012

Dear One,

If you are reading me for the first time, welcome to my blog, and thank you for stopping by.If you have been here before, thank you for visiting again.

I made this in no time for lunch today :

For 2 :

1 small head salad of your choice

2 large handfuls radish sprouts (you can use alfalfa if you do’t like radish)

1 or 2 avocados, diced or cut into a fan

1 red bell pepper, diced fine

3 tbsp olive oil

1/2 lemon, freshly squeezed

1 tsp sweet white miso

1 tsp rice mirin

a few caramelised pecan nuts (optional)

Mix all ingredients into a bowl.

Would you like to use this article on your blog, website or in your newsletter ? You are welcome to do so, as long as you include the following text with it :

© 2012 RAW FOOD ETCWant to look good and feel great byincluding more RAW FOOD into your diet ? Get FREE healthy raw food recipes, articles and tips fromhttps://rawfoodetc.wordpress.com/

Posted in Recipes, Salads | Tagged avocado, caramelised, pecan nuts, raw, sprouts | Leave a Comment »

sprouts – RAW Food Recipes etc (7)


October 18, 2012

Dear One,

If you are reading me for the first time, welcome to my blog, and thank you for stopping by.If you have been here before, thank you for visiting again.

For 2 :

1 salad or about 2 cups mixed salad leaves

1 cup China Rose Radish sprouts

2 apples

1/4 cup walnuts

pinchcrystal salt orsea salt

freshly crushed black pepper to taste

2 tbspolive oil

2 tbsp balsamic vinegar

Combine all ingredients into a bowl. Serve with raw corn crackers for example. Goes great with raw vegan nut ‘blue cheese’ or dairy blue cheese.

Would you like to use this article on your blog, website or in your newsletter ? You are welcome to do so, as long as you include the following text with it :

© 2012 RAW FOOD ETCWant to look good and feel great byincluding more RAW FOOD into your diet ? Get FREE healthy raw food recipes, articles and tips fromhttps://rawfoodetc.wordpress.com/

Posted in Recipes, Salads | Tagged apple, China rose radish, raw, salad, sprouts, walnut | 4 Comments »

sprouts – RAW Food Recipes etc (9)


October 9, 2012

Dear One,

If you are reading me for the first time, welcome to my blog, and thank you for stopping by.If you have been here before, thank you for visiting again.

Did you know you could eat your sprouts for breakfast and start the day with a nutrition boost ?

I don’t know why this one took me so long. I always associating sprouts to savoury salads, soups and wraps.

Sprouts are easy to digest and are rich in all thevitamins, minerals, amino acids, proteins and phytochemicalsnecessary for a germinating plant to grow. Sprouts contain these nutrients in ahighlybio available and concentrated form. It can’t be bad to have these amazing little wonders for breakfast too !

For 2 :

2 kiwis

1 pear

2 dozens grapes

or a total of about 2 cups of fresh seasonal and organic fruits or berries of your choice or even frozen

2 handfuls clover sprouts

about 1 tbsp activated sunflower seeds (soaked to start sprouting, then dehydrated)

about 1 tbsp chopped hazelnuts

about 1 tbsp buckwheaties (sprouted, then dehydrated buckwheat groats)

about 1 tbspdessicated coconut chips

a few Thompsonraisins

1 cup almond milk

Wash and prepare the fruits : chop the pear and the kiwi into small bite-size pieces, slice the raisins in half and divide into 2 cute breakfast bowls. Add the sprouts. Top with sunflower seeds, hazelnuts, buckwheaties, coconut chips and raisins. Serve with almond milk.

Would you like to use this article on your blog, website or in your newsletter ? You are welcome to do so, as long as you include the following text with it :

© 2012 RAW FOOD ETCWant to look good and feel great byincluding more RAW FOOD into your diet ? Get FREE healthy raw food recipes, articles and tips fromhttps://rawfoodetc.wordpress.com/

Posted in Breakfast, Porridges and Puddings, Recipes | Tagged boost, breakfast, clover, muesli, nutrition, raw, sprouts | Leave a Comment »

sprouts – RAW Food Recipes etc (11)


October 4, 2012

Dear One,

If you are reading me for the first time, welcome to my blog, and thank you for stopping by.If you have been here before, thank you for visiting again.

This is a super tasty light mixed greens and sprouts salad to serve for snack, tea or a light lunch.

I made it for a birthday meal yesterday, to let the birthday cake be the star of the day, and also because a whole meal of starter, main course and birthday cake (recipe to follow …) would have just been too much :

Per person :

about 100g mixed salad greens and edible flowers (I used rocket, mizuna, baby spinach, baby lettuce, Nasturtium leaves and flowers)

about 100g sprouts( I used clover sprouts – use your favourite or which ever you have on hand)

a few pieces of fresh fruits and berries (I used fresh fig and raspberry I have left from making the cake)

1 small handfullwalnuthalves

2 tbsp olive oil

2 tbsp balsamic vinegar* (not raw)

crystal saltor sea saltandfreshly crushed black pepper to taste

Simply dress plates by layering the greens, then the sprouts, and finally the fruits / berries and walnuts. Drizzle with the olive oil and balsamic vinegar dressing.

Because it would be so quick and easy, I spent all the time I needed to make a birthday cake that was extra special (watch this space for the recipe). And then the salads were ready in no time.

Would you like to use this article on your blog, website or in your newsletter ? You are welcome to do so, as long as you include the following text with it :

© 2012 RAW FOOD ETCWant to look good and feel great byincluding more RAW FOOD into your diet ? Get FREE healthy raw food recipes, articles and tips fromhttps://rawfoodetc.wordpress.com/

Posted in Recipes, Salads | Tagged birthday, cake, edible, flower, light, nasturtium, raw, recipe, salad, sprouts | 1 Comment »

sprouts – RAW Food Recipes etc (14)


September 23, 2012

Dear One,

If you are reading me for the first time, welcome to my blog, and thank you for stopping by.If you have been here before, thank you for visiting again.

I do enjoy Gourmet raw dishes, butnothingbeats salads for everyday nutrition. This one is highlynutritious, yet exciting and bursting with flavour and interesting textures !

For 2 hungry people :

2 small baby gem lettuces (or your favourite salad, 2 if you are using small ones), washed, dried and torn into bite-size pieces

1 cup home-madeor store-bought fermented vegetables (Home-made fermented vegetables recipe)

1 ripe avocado, diced

1 big handfulgreen mung bean sprouts(or any sprouts you have at hand)

about 12 ripe cherry tomatoes, sliced in half (just leave out if you don’t do tomatoes, or replace with red bell peppers)

about 12 plain black olives (the green ones are unripe)

2 tbsp cold pressedwalnut oil

2 tbsp walnuts, broken into small pieces

2 tbsp soy lecithin* (soy lecithin is not raw)

2 tbsp buckwheaties (sprouted, then dehydrated shelled buckwheat groats)

2 tbsp shelled hemp seeds

2 tbsp raw cacao nibs

1 tbsp dried cranberries or goji berries

1 tbspbaobab fruit powder (Vitamin C loaded superfood)

about 10g nori sprinkles

1/4 tsp red chili flakes

Mix. Enjoy 🙂

Would you like to use this article on your blog, website or in your newsletter ? You are welcome to do so, as long as you include the following text with it :

© 2012 RAW FOOD ETCWant to look good and feel great byincluding more RAW FOOD into your diet ? Get FREE healthy raw food recipes, articles and tips fromhttps://rawfoodetc.wordpress.com/

Posted in Recipes, Salads | Tagged avocado, baobab, buckwheat, cacao nibs, cranberries, exciting, fermented vegetables, flavour, goji berries, hemps seeds, home made, lecithin, mung bean, nori, nutrition, nutritious, optimum, raw, raw fermented vegetables, recipe, salad, sauerkraut, sprouts, texture, vegan, vitamin C, walnut | Leave a Comment »

sprouts – RAW Food Recipes etc (16)

5 minutes salad

August 21, 2012

Dear One,

If you are reading me for the first time, welcome to my blog, and thank you for stopping by.If you have been here before, thank you for visiting again.

Sometimes we have a very precise idea of what we fancy for breakfast/lunch/dinner/snack … we might have decided to try that recipe a good friend gave us, or one from that excellent recipe book … but sometimes, we just have no idea. Yet, we have to come up with something.

On one of such mornings, right after our breakfast of green juice, I had to make ‘something’ for my partner to take with him for lunch. I started by washing some salad leaves, cutting them into bite-size pieces and throwing them into a bowl. Then I opened the fridge to see our jar of homemade kimchi / fermented vegetables (this particular batch had white cabbage, carrots, cucumber and leeks) say hello to me … 3 tablespoons of fermented veggies later I spotted the sprouting jars. The jar that was ready had a mix of quinoa, white radish and lentils.

With 2 minutes to go, I topped the bowl with some Goji berries, cacao nibs and hemp seeds. I kept dressing very simple (and very fast) : just some flax oil and some kelp powder. The salad already have enough complex flavours : the sourness and saltiness of the kimchi, the sweetness of the Goji berries, the wonderful slight bitterness of the cacao nibs, … I thouroughly mixed everything with my hands, and hey presto ! it was ready to pack. Oh, and at the very last minute I added a few black olives.

I had no idea of what the salad tasted like, but if not exactly delicious, at least he would have something healthy to eat …’ Around 1pm he sent me a text message saying that the salad was just amazing !!! I wished I had made enough for 2 … That evening he mentioned how much he had enjoyed the salad again, and I thought : ‘Oh, we might have a hit here …’

The next day I made the salad again, adding a few extras to take it to the next level. This is the improved recipe.

For 2 salad lovers in a hurry :

Salad greens(I used 1 lettuce and a handful of rocket, use any or your favourite)

Kimchi/fermented vegetables(Homemade or store-bought ;it is a pity to buy these, though, as they are so fun, easy and inexpensive to make). I will be posting a recipe soon, watch this space …

Sprouts(2 handfulls, any sprouts)

Wakame(or your favourite sea vegetable, to top on on those minerals – 5 to 10g of the dry sea vegetable to be rehydrated as per product instructions )

Goji berries(1 teaspoon, you don’t want to make the salad too sweet)

Cacao nibs(1 teaspoon)

Hemp seeds(1 teaspoon)

Flax oil(1 tablespoon)

Black olives(a dozen)

Ashwaganda(1 teaspoon – reputed adaptogen, also known as indian Ginseng)

Mushroom powder(1 teaspoon – Reishi, Cordyceps and Shiitake, to name but few, are used intraditionalChinese medecine for their exceptional immune boosting properties. We use store-bought exotic mushroom powders, and make our own from local mushroom. More on this coming soon …)

Kelp powder(1 teaspoon)

Chili flakes(just a sprinkle – optional, especially if you already used chili in your kimchi)

Combine all ingredients in a bowl, throroughly mix with both hands … ta da

I am sure you have exciting 5-minutes recipes …

Keep Smiling

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© 2012 RAW FOOD ETCWant to look good and feel great byincluding more RAW FOOD into your diet ? Get FREE healthy raw food recipes, articles and tips fromhttps://rawfoodetc.wordpress.com/

Posted in Recipes, Salads | Tagged cacao, cordyceps, fermented vegetables, goji berries, hemp seeds, home made, kimchi, raw food recipe, raw food salad, reishi, shiitake, sprouts, wakame | Leave a Comment »

sprouts – RAW Food Recipes etc (2024)


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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.