The story of how I got pregnant - Chapter 1 - brat_the_banished (2024)

Chapter Text

Eren POV:
I was cleaning the windows for the fifth time to make sure that they were clean exactly like Captain wanted.

Ah Captain...

I've always looked up to him because he's so strong and powerful, fearless too. But the admiration, after years of being in the survey corps, has turned into love and I don't know what to do, because I know for sure that he doesn't love me...

I'm just a brat to him...

My thoughts were interrupted by a presence behind me "oi, Eren...why are you slacking off...? Keep cleaning, I expect the HQ to be spotless by the end of the day..."

I clumsily turned around, almost tripping on my feet and saluted "y-yes sir!" "Oh Yes, tonight I expect you in my office at 3 o' clock, understood Jaeger...?"

I looked into his eyes,

damn those eyes...

"what for...? If I may ask, sir..." he grabbed the collar of my shirt and pulled me down to his face "It's an order, am I more clear now...?" I blushed at the closeness as I sputtered nonsense.

He pulled me closer "well...?" "Y-you were c-crystal clear s-sir..." I managed to stutter out but he left my collar anyway "good..."

maybe I was hallucinating, I saw him smirk slightly, before turning away and leave to clean another room.

My heart was pounding in my ears and my cheeks felt hotter than the sun,

I wonder why he wants me in his office so late at night...

oh well, I'll find out anyway so I better get back to cleaning before he comes back...

I was exhausted, I had to clean that room and other rooms at least 10 times before I was sure they met captain's standards...

I couldn't feel my limbs anymore...

But it was finally dinner time and I was starving. I went to the mess hall, sitting down with my friends and chatting while we ate.

I could feel someone watching me though. When I turned my head around I locked eyes with the captain, but I averted my eyes immediately in embarrassment and continued eating and chatting like nothing had happened.

After some time I was finished with my dinner and decided to go to bed. I arrived in my room and the first thing I noticed was a letter on my bed, so I went to it, picked it up and opened it.

It was written very neatly and I recognised captain's handwriting.

"I hope you didn't forget what you have to do right, Eren? Remember not one second late or there will be consequences.
-Levi Ackerman"


I have to go to his office, God I was about to forget it...

I didn't want to know what he could have done to me if I ever forgot, I shivered at the thought.

what time is it?

I looked at the clock in my room "oh phew, it's only 9:15...I guess I can try to get some sleep..."

I laid down on my bed and fell asleep after a couple of minutes of nervous twisting and turning.

I woke up and my eyes fell on the clock,

It was 2:49...

2:49?! Crap!

I'm going to be late,

sh*t, sh*t!

I went out of my room and bolted down the hallway to arrive in time. I finally arrived at Levi's office door, I was out of breath, but with the remaining force I knocked on the door and waited.

"Enter, it's open..."

I opened the door and went in "oh good, I see you made it in time..." he stood up from his desk chair and started walking towards me "Now, let's talk about why I told you to come here..."

I panicked and took a few steps back.

"so, Eren..."

He crossed his arms in front of his chest and I gulped "y-yes sir...?" "do you fancy anyone...?" I blushed instantly and began stuttering.

"w-well...Uhm...You...y-you see...Uhm..."

He narrowed his eyes at me "Spit it out, brat...You know I don't like repeating myself..." "w-well...Yes I do..."

I was probably blushing like crazy, I could feel my face burning.

"well....Will you tell me who's that?"

Well, f*ck.

What do I do now?!?

"wait don't tell me...'cause, you know what Jaeger...? I don't give a f*'ll be mine anyway, Eren...

I love you..."

am I hallucinating, am I still asleep??

I blushed even more, if that was possible. "your answer...?" I mustered some courage "I-I love y-you too captain..." he stopped walking, now in front of me,

grabbed the collar of my shirt,

pulled me down and...

kissed me.

just. like. that!

I widened my eyes in panic, not knowing what to do.

I calmed down and tried my inexperienced best to kiss back, putting my arms around his neck a bit clumsily.

He licked my bottom lip and I opened my mouth slowly and a bit hesitantly, not sure if it was this what he wanted from me.

He let go of my shirt and slowly circled his arms around my waist, bringing me closer, while slowly slithering his tongue in my mouth.

I moaned softly as he sucked on my tongue. His hands began wandering around my lower back, while he still made out with me.

I moaned a bit and started playing with his hair. He put his hands in my night shirt, slowly taking it off, making me shiver lightly.

As he finished taking off my shirt, he moved to my pants, I moaned lightly and eagerly and he smirked "oh...someone's eager...~"

I tell you who's eager...!

I moved my hands to his shirt and unbuttoned it with shaky hands,

goddamnit, stop shaking Eren...!

"hey...are you okay Eren...? We're not forced to do this now... your confession was enough for me..." I blushed as he held my hands in his "N-no, it's okay..I'm just a bit nervous...I'm kind of new to this..."

I looked away, thinking he had gotten mad "don't worry...We'll work through this together, okay...?"

I was still looking away, so he decided to put his hands in my pants, grabbing my ass, making me let out a surprised squeak, as I put my hands in front of my mouth in embarrassment, shutting my eyes tightly.

He chuckled lightly,

It was like an angelic music to my ears...

"Eren, let me hear you...Your sounds are beautiful, look at me...~" he took away my hands and I slowly opened my eyes "Can I continue...?" "y-yes...please..."

He seemed thoughtful "how about we move this to the bedroom...?" I nodded softly "that would be a perfect idea..."

I was so eager, yet so scared...

I didn't know what to expect. While I was lost in thought, He easily picked me up as if I weighed nothing.

He lied me gently on the bed and pushed his hands back in my pants, grabbing my ass again, this time massaging and squeezing it as we began making out again.

I moaned and finished unbuttoning his shirt, throwing it away somewhere on the floor.

He pulled away from the kiss and began kissing his way down, stopping on a particular spot on my neck, which he began abusing to leave a mark. I moaned softly and started grinding unconsciously against him "Mmh...~ s-stop t-teasing please...~"

He kind of growled "no..." he went down leaving butterfly kisses, before stopping at my nipples and started sucking on one while playing with the other.

I moaned loudly, lightly arching my back and he smirked as he whispered in my ear "shh, don't wake anyone up...~" he bit my ear and I moaned softly "s-sorry...I-it feels t-too good...~"

He then stopped teasing my nipples, slowly going down to my pants and taking them off, along with my boxers.

I shivered as the cold hit my boiling skin and let out a gasp as he started jerking me off slowly "a-ah...~ Don't s-stop...~"

He licked the tip, still jerking me off "p-please...ngh...~" He stopped, smirking "please, what...?~" I blushed hard and stuttered out "P-please...S-suck m-me...?~" "good boy...~"

He began sucking some of my member and bobbing his head up and down, keeping eye contact as he put a strand of hair behind his ear.

God, that was so sexy to look at...

I gripped his hair and bucked my hips, moaning loudly. He started bobbing faster but stopped my hips from moving with his hands, making me grip his hair tighter.

He engulfed the whole thing and bobbed even faster. I cried out silently and arched my back "c-captain...~ I-I'm c-coming...p-please t-take it out...~"

He kept bobbing faster "w-wait c-capt-Ahh...!~" I came in his mouth, panting and whining very softly.

"now it's my turn sexy...~"

he just called me god...

"y-yes...~" I rolled us so he was under me and trailed kisses down his toned body until I reached his pants. I unbuttoned them and took them off with his underwear.

His member sprang up...

it was huge...

Thick and red, pulsing with desire...

I hesitantly licked the tip, then went down his shaft. I tried to put it all in my mouth and bobbed my head up and down, trying to imitate him, but I kept gagging a bit every time I’d go back down.

He groaned, messing with my hair as he pushed me down, making me gag again, which, though, just pushed me to do more, so I bobbed faster and went deeper to the base. He groaned, which made me bob my head even faster "I-I'm coming Eren...Ngh~ P-pull out...~"

I pulled out and he came on his stomach as some finished on my face. He wiped it with his thumb and pulled me in for a kiss.

I pulled away and rolled so that he was on top of me and I whispered in his ear "I can't wait anymore, I want you...~” "with pleasure...but first prep, I don't want to hurt you..."

I whined softly, but he shut me up by presenting three fingers on my lips "I want you to suck them thoroughly..."

I opened my mouth and started first licking his fingers, then I put them in my mouth "good boy..."

He pulled them out after a few seconds "okay...I need you to stay as relaxed as possible or it's going to hurt..."

I nodded as I let him spread my legs. I felt his slender finger push against the tight ring of muscle, before entering slowly inside me.

I moaned uncomfortably "Shh..." he caressed my thigh to distract me from the initial discomfort.

After a couple of seconds he started moving his finger in and out, curling it a little every now and then.

He suddenly pushed against a certain spot that made me cry out uncontrollably "found it...~"

Not long after that he pushed a second finger inside, moving and curling it as well.

He kept moving back to that spot, leaving me a moaning mess.

It didn't take long before he added another finger and then finished prepping me, pulling his fingers out.

I whimpered softly, looking at him with hooded eyes, panting softly "h-hurry up...~"

He smirked and suddenly thrusted inside me. I cried out in pain, feeling every inch of my inner walls stretch to accomodate his length and girth "h-hurts...a-ahn~"

He groaned lightly but shushed me as he waited for me to get accustomed to the feeling, caressing my thighs and hipbones gently “Can I move...?" "Y-yes..." He started moving slowly but deeply and I wrapped my legs around his waist, bringing him closer as I started kissing him.

I don’t know how, but the pain immediately turned to pleasure...

"f-faster...A-ah~...P-please..." " of course, baby..." he started thrusting faster "Mmh!~...F-feels s-so a-ahh! g-good...H-harder...mmh!~ ahhn...!~"

I was losing my mind in pleasure, I started rutting my hips against him as he went even faster and harder.

I moaned very loudly, wrapping my arms around his back and scratching it "d-deeper...~ M-more...P-please...~"

He groaned and went even deeper "G-god, you're so ngh...~ tight ahh~" I cried out loudly "t-there!!~" "oh...~ I found your sweet spot again, huh?~"

He smirked as I blushed hard and then he angled himself to hit that certain spot with every thrust.

I cried out every time, I couldn't keep silent anymore, but I was scared someone would wake up, so I bit my lip but apparently he didn't like it and instead kissed me, sliding his tongue inside my mouth to keep me silent.

He then thrusted even faster and harder, if that was possible. I pulled away from the kiss "I-I'm go-ahh!~going to...Mmh!~ c-come...!~" " too...


A few more hard thrusts and I shut my eyes tightly, throwing my head back as I brought him closer, while I cried out silently, whining and coming on our stomachs as he came inside me.

"Ahh...~ it' hot..." He slowly stopped thrusting and pulled out, collapsing on me. We were out of breath so we remained silent for a bit.

"Oi, Eren..." I looked at him "Yes, captain...?" " can call me Levi while we're alone..." "Levi..." His name rolled off my tongue so easily "did you like it...?" I blushed and looked to the side embarrassed "y-yes...Did you...?" "no..."


My eyes widened, he just used me to get off, I knew it.

I felt my heart break in a million pieces "w-what...?" He widened his eyes slightly as he saw I was tearing up "n-no wait...! I'm sorry don't cry, I was just joking....I loved it..."

He cupped my face, making me face him and kissed me first on the forehead, on the eyelids, kissing away my tears, on my nose, on my cheeks and finally my lips.

He pulled away and smiled slightly.

He's so beautiful when he smiles...

"you bastard...I had an heart attack!" I pouted and he chuckled,

Oh, it's that music again...

"Do you really think of me that lowly...? Eren, listen carefully and get it in your thick skull, I love you and nothing will ever change that, Alright...?" He put his forehead on mine "yes..."

"good...Now let's get cleaned up....We're gross and sticky...tch" I chuckled "of course...But there's a little problem...I-I can't Uhm...I can't get up..." He sighed "fine, wait here..." he kissed my forehead, stood up and went in the bathroom.

He came back after a few minutes with a bowl of water and a wet cloth and started cleaning me.

First my face, then my neck, chest, arms, stomach, hips, legs and butt...I was blushing the whole time.

But when he finished I was very sleepy nonetheless "I'm kind of sleepy...Come to bed...?" "I'm coming..." he laid on the bed, pulling me closer on his chest and pulling the covers over us "sleep baby..."

I yawned "night..." He kissed my forehead "night...Sweet dreams..." I fell asleep right after that.

The story of how I got pregnant - Chapter 1 - brat_the_banished (2024)


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Author: Jamar Nader

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Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.